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stupid cupid
A charming young man from a big city met a shy, beautiful young girl from a small town. Just like a romantic play - everyone would love to see a happy ending. Well, sorry to say that it wasn't a play. That's why I'm here to tell you.
The young man was blessed with such a wonderful voice that friends never got tired of watching his performances on stage. They adored him. He enjoyed it to the most. Pretty girls were everywhere for him to pick, except for one. Surely - the shy, beautiful young girl from a small town.
The more she played hard to catch, the more he was obsessed to possess her. Nothing he wouldn't do to win her heart. Tragically, she wanted him to promise her one thing. One thing she thought he'd never be willing to do. To give up the most precious gift he'd ever had. To stop singing.
For the young man, it was like being asked to stop breathing. Yet, much to her surprise, he did it. He made that promise and broke his own heart. All the girl had ever wanted was a quiet life. The kind of life he had never lived.
Shortly afterwards, they got married. Without having to wait for long, she delivered her first and only baby girl from their marriage.
Soon, the magic was gone. One day, she found out that he came home late at night after another performance at a night club. She began to cry bitterly and uncontrollably. I should have known, she thought with deep regrets, he would never be able to keep his promise ....
As the little baby girl grew up, little did she know why she didn't see much of her dad. And why mommy always looked so gloomy. She grew up with question after question remaining unanswered.
Related articles:
1. Stupid cupid
2. The divorce
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Short story with many things to learn.
I see it is a short true story with some hidden good things the lovers ought to learn. It is highly appreciated if you will open the silk curtain in the following article so that more readers could look beyond what they see.
@Purnomo: your articles are indeed worth expecting
Pak Purnomo, as a matter of fact, this is the hardest blog I've ever written so far. Part of me wished not to share it. Ever. That's why I put it in other than my mother tongue. Though I made sure I used the simplest diction.
Thank you for reminding me that sharing the story would probably be better than trying to conceal it behind the veil.
I haven't made up my mind whether to post the sequel or not. After all, I am grateful that you kindly spared your time to give me encouragement. Thank you, Pak Pur. Indeed, your articles are much more worth expecting than those of mine.
if u love him...
if u love him... u will not forbid him to sing...
if your husband loves u... he will not broke the promise...
as Purnomo said... is there still love among us...
find a better solution... for the little one sake....
that's the most important...
let the lil girl questions be answered by both of u...
The Lord GOD Loves you!
People in love can be ridiculous
Josua Manurung, indeed, you got the point. People in love can be ridiculous. They demand ridiculous things. They're willing to do things beyond their capability.
Yes, the parents needed to provide some explanation to the little girl. Since they didn't, she tried all she might to put together pieces by pieces facts of life on her own.
Eha, which parent?
Eha wrote, “the parents needed to provide some explanation to the little girl.”
It is absolutely agreed. But which one? Her father or her mother?
Every girl prefers to listen to her mother than her father, as my daughters do.
So, I am still waiting your advice to Sabdaspace’s girls.
Hehehe, do not forget I am a salesman.
@Purnomo: aah ... that's why
Both parents, or either of them would do. It depends on the case. In this very case, the little girl would gladly listen to both.
Pak Pur, so you are a salesman. No wonder you sound so confident and persuasive. I guess you almost succeed in persuading me to write the sequel
All right, then ... let's wait for each other's next articles. See you around, Pak Pur.
@eha: pity..
Were it not for love, why would anyone willing to bind him/herself in marriage anyway?...
But sometimes that kind of love just becomes forgotten over time... Eroded,... faded... So in love, yet so in hatred...
My deepest sympathy for them, especially the little one...
(...shema'an qoli, adonai...)
It's so nice to have our sweetie cutie back on screen again.....^^
(...shema'an qoli, adonai...)
@ebed_adonai: in the name of love
In the name of love, lots of couples would do anything to be together. Anything at all. Even ridiculous things. In this case, even when he'd already known he would be crippled without his voice, he insisted on giving it up, so that he could be together with the one he loved. As for the girl, knowing that it was impossible for him to give up singing didn't discourage her at all. She boldly stepped ahead instead of wisely stepped back.
The little one who now has already had her own little ones gratefully accept your sympathy. Thank you, my dear friend.
(ebed, ini tadi sak jane dah log out lho. eh, liat di layar ada pity ... jadi log in lagi nih. bolehlah, demi om ebed yang suka ama si cutie
sedih banget ya...
hik.. hik.... hik... I'm so sad. Kacian dia ya...
peekaboo or hide n seek?
- Please, don't cry, Uncle Rudy - said the lil girl as she smiled timidly. - Got an idea! Let's play peekaboo to cheer you up! Uh uh ... I guess that's way too childish for us. How about hide n seek? Get ready then, I'm counting ... -