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kebaikan Tuhan

Pak Tee's picture

Membalas Tuhan

      "Kau harus membalasnya!"


      "Ya! Satu dibalas satu, dua dibalas dua!"


      "Supaya kau tak lagi sempat berbuat dosa, berpikirpun tidak!"

      "Bagaimana mungkin?"

tonypaulo's picture

Apakah air bah bukti kekejaman Tuhan?

Sebenarnya secara global saya sudah membahasnya di sini www.sabdaspace.org/genocide_god  namun karena menurut saya menarik untuk diperdalam lebih lanjut, saya mencoba dari berbagai perspektif untuk memberikan gambaran yang utuh mengenai apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dan rekontruski makna dari apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.

tonypaulo's picture

Semua baik…

But what was God doing while Katrina laid waste to their city? Surely he heard the prayers of those elderly men and women who fled the rising waters for the safety of their attics, only to be slowly drowned there. These were people of faith. These were good men and women who had prayed throughout their lives. Do you have the courage to admit the obvious? These poor people died talking to an imaginary friend.