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“Le raison a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point”.

erick's picture

A rare sensation holds a meaning of our great Pascal once said “Le raison a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point”.

What a true one. Until now I keep digging its meaning. I learn something from it.

I remember while I was in college, I hung a red lane written this sentence with a black ink.

“Le raison a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point”.

It seems like my brain can digest everything, but not my heart, or in the other way around. Well, Mr. Pascal stated already long time ago, "Le raison a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point."

While listening to what is spoken that love holds hope, that life brings unthinkable thing and prayer works wonderfully in each second hand of times moves.

I like what Mr. Pascal wrote,  "Le raison a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point".


Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)

anakpatirsa's picture

Matematika, Puisi dan Filsafat


Penasaran, aku minta bantuan Paman Google. Ia membawaku ke Meriam-Webster Online Dictionary untuk mendapatkan arti ungkapan tersebut:

:the heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of

Selama ini menganggap Pascal sebagai ahli matematika. Ternyata ia juga seorang penyair sekaligus filsuf. Gabungan ketiga kemampuan itu yang mungkin membuat dia mampu berkata seperti itu.